  Foreword >>
- All the programs freely available on this site are made in Visual Basic 6 and require VB6 Runtime Dll & Ocx files. If you get a 'Runtime DLL/OCX File error', download VB6 Runtimes.
- Some of the files here may be zipped and you may need to download and install WinZip to extract them.
  AjooBlast >>
- Chime AjooBlast lets you play your mp3 and wma music files from anywhere! Just start it in the Server mode at
home, go to your work and listen to your songs in the Player mode, without downloading each file. Smallest. P2P
app. Ever.
- AjooBlast is different from Internet audio broadcasting (like Shoutcast) because you don't have to make
playlists etc. You can simply browse through your music collection. It is also different from P2P apps like
Kazaa, Gnutella etc. because only you and your friends can access your collection - not strangers. You can
listen to a friend's music collection while they check out yours - instantly!
- Works smoothly on dialups too! Password-protection, port-selections, and extremely secure. What more could you
ask for in a no-nag, no-adware, no-spyware, fully-functional freeware?
  Tray Play >>
- Chime Tray Play is a very small, fast, and efficient audio player that can play audio CDs, MIDI, WAV audio,
MPEG audio, and Windows Media Audio files. Tray Play's icon is displayed in the system tray and can be used to
select and play songs. With features such as Auto-Hide, Play-On-Start, Random-Play, and Non-stop Play, Tray Play
turns your computer into a music system that plays your favorite songs on and on while you work. You don't need
to bother about creating playlists or loading files. Just click a file and Tray Play will automatically hide,
play that file, and then continue to serially or randomly play any other files in the same folder.
- "I canned the bells and whistles with Chime's TrayPlay, a tiny player with no superfluous features. It has
all the controls I need, including random play and volume. Oh yeah--TrayPlay's a freebie that parks itself in
my system tray, so it doesn't take up space on my taskbar." - Steve Bass, PC
  3D Sceneries >>
- Here are 9 of our best 3D landscape designs rendered in full 24bit colors. They were made in Bryce 2.0, and
Paint Shop Pro 5.0 and Adobe Photoshop 5.0 were used for touch-ups.
- Feel free to use them for any purpose. Do let us know where/how you used them.
  Wallpapers >>
- We love making great wallpapers for our own computer systems here. Just to show you what we like to do in our
spare time, here are some of our best and favorite wallpapers. Some of these wallpapers contain pictures /
cartoons which we have not made.
- Feel free to use them for any purpose. Do let us know where/how you used them.
  Disclaimer >>
- All the files have been scanned with anti-virus software. However you should make it a habit to always scan files downloaded from the Internet, before you run/execute them.
- Since all the programs provided here are Freeware, we cannot be held responsible for any damage, misuse, or losses caused directly or indirectly by them.
- However, all of our products have gone through considerable amount of end-user alpha and beta testing and have proved stable under almost all configurations.