  Foreword >>
- All the programs freely available on this site are made in Visual Basic 6 and require VB6 Runtime Dll & Ocx files. If you get a 'Runtime DLL/OCX File error', download VB6 Runtimes.
- Some of the files here may be zipped and you may need to download and install WinZip to extract them.
  Overview >>
- Hind 2000 is a feature-rich email client that lets you send and receive emails in three languages: English,
Hindi and Gujarati!
- The easiest part is that to type words in Hindi / Gujarati, just spell them out phonetically, the same way
that the names of Hindi Films are written in English : MAINE PYAAR KIYA, DIL TO PAAGAL HAI, JAB JAB PHOOL
- Want to type 'MERA BHAARAT MAHAAN' in English, see it instantly get converted into Hindi and email it to a
friend ? Or even take a printout ? Sure, you can do all of that in Hind 2000 and much more...
- You can attach files to mails, as well as perform normal email functions like Reply, Forward, Forward as
Attachment etc. And best of all, Hind 2000 is a Fully-Functional Freeware with all of the following
- Email in Hindi, Gujarati and English !!!
- Robust Email Client with Address Book
- Word Designer, to let you type any word in Hindi / Gujarati
- Fast and Simple User Interface
- Cut, Copy & Paste for Hindi and Gujarati text also
- Mail Preview / Multiple File Attachments
- Inbuilt Attachment Handling : View, Open and Extract
- Background Mail Send / Receive
- Mail Printing : Can also be used as a text editor.
- Context-sensitive Help
  Requirements >>
- In order to run Hind 2000 you would need the following:
- Win95 or above, with 16 MB RAM & 133+ Mhz CPU
- Internet Explorer 4.01 or above to read the help
  Download >>
  Screenshots >>
  F A Q >>
Q) What is Hind 2000 exactly ?
A) Hind 2000 is an Email Software, more precisely, an Email Client which is very much like MS Outlook Express or
Eudora Pro. Most important of all, it can let you send and receive emails in three languages: English, Hindi and
Gujarati !
Q) Why is Hind 2000 100% FREE? What's the catch ?
A) Well, Hind 2000 is free because we love our country and national language. There's no catch.
Q) Who can use Hind 2000 ?
A) Anyone with a Pop3 account (@vsnl.net.in , @caltiger.net.in etc.) can use Hind 2000. A web-based email account
( @hotmail.com , @yahoo.com etc. ) will not work. If you do not have a Pop3 account and still want to use Hind
2000 then you can get a free Pop3 account at Softhome.Net
Q) Can I send mails in Hindi or Gujarati to anyone and everyone ?
A) No. The person you are sending emails to, must have Hind 2000 installed. But why worry ? Hind 2000 is freeware.
You can ask the person to download Hind 2000 and install it, in order to receive mails in Hindi or Gujarati from
Q) What about sending mails in English ?
A) If you send an email from Hind 2000 in English, it can be read normally by anyone, with or without Hind 2000.
You can just use Hind 2000 like MS Outlook Express or Netscape's Messenger to send English mails.
Q) What about receiving normal emails ?
A) Hind 2000 can receive emails with or without attachments sent via any software or website. As with other Email
Clients, you can view, open and save attachments.
Q) Can I send / receive HTML format emails ?
A) No. HTML format is not supported in current version of Hind 2000 but we are very much eager to incorporate it
within our next version of this software. However, if the HTML files are attached to your email, you can open them
as a normal attachment file and preview them in your browser.
Q) When I check my mail through Hind 2000, will it download all other non-Hind 2000 emails also ?
A) By default, Hind 2000 will check your server and download only Hind 2000 type emails, that is mails sent by
other Hind 2000 users. It will not download or affect your normal emails that you may wish to download through
your current email client. However if you think that the functionality provided by Hind 2000 meets your
requirements as an all-round email client then Hind 2000 can be configured to download all types of mails.
Q) I use MS Outlook Express and Hind 2000. How do I setup MS Outlook Express to not download Hind 2000 emails
A) From the 'Tools' menu select the Message Rules option. Now create a New Mail Rule and set it up as
- Where the CC line contains 'HIND2000MAIL'
- Do not download it from the server.
Once you have set this Mail Rule, Outlook Express will not download any Hind 2000 emails. If you have any other
email client, you can also set it up to not download any emails that contain 'HIND2000MAIL' in the CC line.
As you can very well see, Hind 2000 can be used side-by-side with your existing email client without any
Q) I do not know how to type some word in Hindi / Gujarati. What to do ?
A) When you are unable to phonetically spell out some complex Hindi / Gujarati word then let Word Designer type it
out for you. Just press <F2> or select 'Word Designer' from the menu and the Word Designer window will open.
In that, you can click and select letters, matras, characters etc. and graphically design your word. When you have
the word you want, click on 'Type Word' and Word Designer will insert that word within your email. Once you get
used to the Word Designer tool, you will easily be able to type out the most complex of the sanskrit shlokas
easily. Believe us in this regard, phonetic typing was never this easy.
  Disclaimer >>
- All the files have been scanned with anti-virus software. However you should make it a habit to always scan files downloaded from the Internet, before you run/execute them.
- Since all the programs provided here are Freeware, we cannot be held responsible for any damage, misuse, or losses caused directly or indirectly by them.
- However, all of our products have gone through considerable amount of end-user alpha and beta testing and have proved stable under almost all configurations.