  Foreword >>
- All the programs freely available on this site are made in Visual Basic 6 and require VB6 Runtime Dll & Ocx files. If you get a 'Runtime DLL/OCX File error', download VB6 Runtimes.
- Some of the files here may be zipped and you may need to download and install WinZip to extract them.
  Overview >>
- Hot Chime is a small utility that lets you launch your favorite sites and most frequently used programs by
your own 'Hot Words'. You can set a HotWord 'g' to launch Google and 'xl' to start MS Excel on your PC.
- Hot Chime also lets you easily & instantly lookup words in a dictionary, get Whois info for
domains, and search the Google Groups.
- The default HotKey is - Pause. So if HotChime is running, and you want to access CNN for news, simply press <pause>, then type: cnn, and press <enter>.
- Hot Chime is basically for power users who type a lot, quiet fast, and don't want to move the mouse just to
launch a website. Check out some of the cool things you can do with Hot Chime in the 'Features' below.
  Requirements >>
- In order to run HotChime you would need the following:
  Download >>
  Screenshots >>
  Features >>
- Very small + extremely fast
- Fully accessible by keyboard
- Configurable Hot Key
- Setup your own search engines with F1-F5 keys
- Works with almost every browser
- You can pick which browser to use
- Drag & Drop URLs and Files to associate with Hot Words
- Auto-Start with Windows
- Create as many Hot Words as you want
- Instantly search Google, Google Groups, Yahoo, Dictionary, and Whois without using your mouse.
- Coming very soon - Save your Hot Words on Chime.Tv server!
- Examples of some easy searches:
<pause> + cnn + <enter> - Launch www.cnn.com website
<pause> + cmd + <enter> - Launch Command Window (Dos Prompt)
<pause> + 800 <space> sony + <enter> - Find Sony's 1-800-number.
<pause> + 08901 <space> pizza + <enter> - Show phone numbers of Pizza Shops in Zipcode 08901.
<pause> + something1 <space> something2 + <enter> - If URL contains a space, launch Google.
<pause> + f + <enter> - Launch the Hot Word 'f', which could be www.fark.com or "C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Flash MX\FlashMX.exe".
  F A Q >>
Q) How does Hot Chime work?
A) Run the HotChime.exe. Then press <pause> (default HotKey) and type in the URL you wish to open. Click
'More Options' and add Hot Words like g = google. You don't even have to type in http://, www, and
.com for most sites. Simply typing 'cnn' should launch http://www.cnn.com. Of course, if you wish to open php.net,
you'll have to type in php.net, but you can ignore http:// and www.
Q) What do the Function keys F1-F5 do?
A) Once you type something in the main box, you can press F1 to search that in Google, F2 for Google
Groups, F3 for Yahoo!, F4 for Dictionary, and F5 to lookup the Whois info (if it's a domain). So suppose you are
reading something and chance upon some unknown word like: exigency, simple press <pause>, type:
exigency, and press <F4> to show the word meaning. Or if you are hungry, press <pause>, type your zipcode
_space_ pizza, and press <F3>.
Q) How do I specify my own dictionary or whois site to work with F1-F5 keys?
A) Click on 'More Options', click on 'Edit F1-F5 Links' and specify the desired url there. Note: %s in the
url will be automatically replaced by any text that is entered in the Hot Chime search bar.
Q) Can I specify my own Hot Key?
A) Yes. Click on 'More Options' and simply select one of the available hot keys, like F11, F12, Pause,
Scroll Lock etc. Note that the Hot Key becomes active instantly so don't forget your Hot Key!
Q) How do I add my own Hot Words?
A) Click on 'More Options' and type in the Hot Word and the URL/Program-Path in the boxes and click on 'Add
Q) I have a lot of links on my favorites. How do I add them to Hot Chime?
A) Simply drag & drop the links you want, on to the Hot Chime window. Then you associate the specific url
with a new Hot Word.
Q) I want to open the 'My Documents' folder with Hot Word 'd'. Can I do that?
A) Yes. Simply drag & drop the My Documents folder on to the Hot Chime window. Then type 'd' in the Hot
Words box and click 'Add New'.
Q) How do I add the Hot Word 'n' to launch Notepad?
A) Click on 'More Options' and type in the Hot Word: 'n' and in the path, type (or browse for file or drop
& drop the file) "C:\Winnt\Notepad.exe" and click on 'Add New'. Next time you wish to launch Notepad, press
<pause> + n + <enter>.
Q) Can Hot Chime load quietly with Windows everytime I startup?
A) Yes. Click on 'More Options' and check mark 'Auto-Start with Windows' and remove the check from 'Show
this window on load'. And once again, don't forget your Hot Key if you have changed it.
Q) Is there a way to get Hot Chime to open Netscape, Opera, or any other browser besides Internet
A) Hot Chime opens the links with the default browser. If you set Netscape as your default browser, Hot
Chime will automatically use that. However, if you want to keep Internet Explorer as your default browser but wish
to open Hot Chime with Opera, click on 'More Options' and click on the button next to 'Browser' and select your
browser by clicking on 'Locate Browser..." You can locate as many browsers as you want, and to make Hot Chime work
with any of them, simply click on the Browser button and pick the appropriate browser. Note: Hot Chime does NOT
change your default browser settings.
Q) I use Internet Explorer and Hot Chime keeps opening URLs in the same window. Can it open links in a new
A) Start Internet Explorer. Click on Tools > Internet Options > Advanced Tab. From the 'Browsing' section,
disable: Reuse windows for launching shortcuts'. You may need to close all Internet Explorer windows for the
change to take effect. Also, if you add 'C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE' as a browser (look at
question above on how to do this) and use that instead of the 'System Default' browser, a new window will open up
each time.
Q) What if I have more than one PC and want to use the same HotWords everywhere?
A) There will soon be a 'Sync with Server' feature. That is using a username/password (that you make up),
you can store all your settings on the Chime.Tv servers. That way if you have 2-3 pc's that you actively use,
simply click on 'Sync' and Hot Chime will updated all your settings within a few seconds. This will be a free
service too and will not require any information from the users, other than a username/password.
  Reviews >>
  Disclaimer >>
- All the files have been scanned with anti-virus software. However you should make it a habit to always scan files downloaded from the Internet, before you run/execute them.
- Since all the programs provided here are Freeware, we cannot be held responsible for any damage, misuse, or losses caused directly or indirectly by them.
- However, all of our products have gone through considerable amount of end-user alpha and beta testing and have proved stable under almost all configurations.