  Foreword >>
- All the programs freely available on this site are made in Visual Basic 6 and require VB6 Runtime Dll & Ocx files. If you get a 'Runtime DLL/OCX File error', download VB6 Runtimes.
- Some of the files here may be zipped and you may need to download and install WinZip to extract them.
  BotBlock >>
- BotBlock is a freeware service that lets anyone with basic PHP/HTML skills to block spam bots from
auto-filling forms on their sites. It lets you use CAPTCHA image-verification technology, much like AltaVista, Yahoo!, and TicketMaster, on your site for free with minimal coding
and does not require you to install any special PHP Image libraries.
- Go to the 'BotBlock User
Manager' to create or change a new username and password key. Please read the How To - Guide for the source code that you can copy/paste easily.
- Check out a demo of BotBlock in
action to see how simple it is. We welcome your feedback but please make
sure you have read the FAQ before emailing us with your
  Chime Away! >>
- Chime Away! is a tiny program that automatically downloads and sets new away messages for Aol Instant Messenger� every minute. You can select messages
from tons of categories like Food, School, Shower, Sleep, and Work etc. Chime Away! also lets you cycle through
your own AIM away messages, and you can specify which messages to use by entering the keywords.
  Hot Chime >>
- Hot Chime is a small utility that lets you launch your favorite sites and most frequently used programs by
your own 'Hot Words'. You can set a HotWord 'g' to launch Google and 'xl' to start MS Excel on your PC. Hot Chime also lets you easily & instantly
lookup words in a dictionary, get Whois info for domains, and search the Google Groups.
  LogIM >>
- LogIM is a tiny app that automatically logs all of your Aol
Instant Messenger� (AIM) chats and provides a sleek innovative browser to view and organize the chat
  Hind 2000 >>
- Hind 2000 is a feature-rich email client that lets you send and receive emails in three languages: English,
Hindi and Gujarati!
- The easiest part is that to type words in Hindi / Gujarati, just spell them out phonetically, the same way
that the names of Hindi Films are written in English : MAINE PYAAR KIYA, DIL TO PAAGAL HAI, JAB JAB PHOOL KHILE.
Want to type 'MERA BHAARAT MAHAAN' in English, see it instantly get converted into Hindi and email it to a
friend ? Or even take a printout ? Sure, you can do all of that in Hind 2000 and much more.
- You can attach files to mails, as well as perform normal email functions like Reply, Forward, Forward as
Attachment etc. And best of all, Hind 2000 is a Fully-Functional Freeware with a host of other features.
  Net Alive >>
- NetAlive is a tiny application that simply connects to another PC running NetAlive and maintains a direct
uninterrupted connection.
- To connect, start NetAlive on your PC and ask a friend to run NetAlive on his PC too. Then enter his IP
address in the 'Other PC' box on NetAlive running in your PC and click on 'Connect'. Once connected, NetAlive
sends and receives approximately 100 bytes of data per second.
- This is not a file sharing tool. It simply connects one PC to another PC running NetAlive by IP
addresses via TCP/IP Port 1980.
- You can use NetAlive to determine if IP-2-IP connection is possible between any two PC's in a LAN, WAN, or
across the Internet. If NetAlive is unable to connect to another PC, it proves that either you and/or your
friend are behind a firewall/proxy server etc., as a result of which most instant messaging programs like ICQ,
AIM, Yahoo! Messenger and MSN Messenger will not direct connect to other users or conduct file transfer
  Scrabble Aide >>
- Scrabble Aide is a powerful tool that will aide you in making words for Scrabble, solving Jumbles and
- Despite its compact size of 493kb, it has an in-built dictionary of over 137,000 words of 2 - 28 letters in
- If you love word puzzles, then this app will come in very handy.
  Binary Sum >>
- Binary Sum is a small utility for programmers which lists all the powers of 2 that add up to make any
particular number.
- E.g.
7 = 20 + 21 + 22 = 1 + 2 +
  Disclaimer >>
- All the files have been scanned with anti-virus software. However you should make it a habit to always scan files downloaded from the Internet, before you run/execute them.
- Since all the programs provided here are Freeware, we cannot be held responsible for any damage, misuse, or losses caused directly or indirectly by them.
- However, all of our products have gone through considerable amount of end-user alpha and beta testing and have proved stable under almost all configurations.